my today
my today
Max Morath is famous for Living a Ragtime Life. Part historian, part comic, part professor, part ace ragtime piano player -- they all come together into one performer on stage as he steers you through the history of America in the Ragtime Era.
My favorite physicist was Mike Lahana, a cosmology PhD from UNC. He loved Frank Zappa, ouzo, Root Boy Slim, playing cribbage while sipping beer at Linda’s, made the best stuffed grape leaves ever, and helped me pick out my first computer. Damn I miss him.
Mike took piano from Morath when he was a kid. When Morath visited Greensboro in 1978, we went to see the show and had dinner with Morath before the performance. He was a swell guy and pleasant company. The show was even better.
Living a Ragtime Life! an adaptation of his lecture/performance is here (in 7 parts) on YouTube.
First draft, fragmentary
Wednesday, June 9, 2010